Professional Recovery Coaching
Professional Recovery Coaching is based on personalized results. My unique set of skills as a recovery leader in the field, a one time client and now provider, allows me to relate and empower people to start or re-stat their sober lives on solid and empowered footing. My passion for recovery energizes people in long term recovery from addiction to discover new levels of enhancement and purpose in life. Together we will build a Strengths-Based system, build your Recovery Capital and create a 360 Life Recovery plan to change addictive behavior in order to pursue your own unique goals and aspirations.
Co-create detailed and personalized 360 Plan Of Action (POA)
Access to guiding resources and community​
Personalized accountability and structure​​
Guidance in developing new behavior patterns and communication skills
Goal targeting, process building and tracking
Assistance in harm reduction for addictive behaviors
Step into the inspired recovered life you deserve!